IF YOU CAN DREAM IT, YOU CAN BECOME IT. My dream is to be a published writer. All great things begin with a DREAM...

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Yippeeeeeeeeeee! Day Two!

Yes, I'm a little excited about writing two days in a row. I have no idea what to write about...other than the fact that I'm writing. (Had to stop right now and read my baby a few books - lots of starting and stopping)!
I've always had a problem staying focused on something. (Even before I had a very active 13-month-old). I have too many thoughts in my head and can't seem to concentrate on any one idea, project, or goal. That needs to change.  A schedule would definitely help. Something even remotely resembling a schedule would help!
My goal now is to finish the first draft of a novel I've been working on (off and on - mostly OFF) for several years.
I will just have to learn to write during naptimes (when she actually naps) and nights and like now, when she is playing by herself for a few minutes. It will take some getting used to, but I will just have to keep my eyes on the goal.


  1. You've got a great start! Thanks for stopping by and following. I'm going to follow you right back.

  2. That's the right attitude, just keep at it! Believe me, you'll get there :)

    And you're right, a schedule will definitely help--especially when things get so busy.

    Good luck!

  3. You're moving in the right direction and making use of every available moment definitely helps! Thanks for the follow.

  4. Good to read this post. Keep going. Might I also recommend, Stephen King's On Writing.

  5. Keep it up! I'm a mom too, and have made writing every day a goal (even if only for 10 minutes!) this year.
    It has increased my productivity and also my creative flow--I find I can jump more easily into my writing than before.
    It's important to allow yourself the time to write.
